Posted in Announcements

Homework 8/24

Welcome to our first full week of fifth grade. This week, we will be spending a lot of time taking the i-Ready Diagnostic Test. Please remember to bring your charged chromebook to school every day!


  1. “Determine Function Machine Rule” Worksheet. Due Tomorrow.
  2. Math Workbook Page 8, Problem #17, 19, 21, 23, 24. Due tomorrow.
  3. Math Workbook Page 9, All Problems. Due tomorrow.
  4. Math Workbook Page 10, Problem #16, 18, 21, 22, 23. Due Thursday.
  5. “Reteach to build understanding” worksheet. All problems. Due Thursday.
  6. Math Workbook Page 15, All Problems. Due Thursday.
  7. Math Workbook Page 16, Problem #11, 13, 14

Language Arts

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Social Studies

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  1. If you do not already have a GUSD Chromebook, please talk to your parents and schedule an appointment to check one out. Please call (818) 478-2664 to check out a Chromebook, or for GUSD Chromebook technical support. You will need a working GUSD Chromebook this year. Please bring your Chromebook to school, CHARGED, every day!
  2. Your parents need to submit your registration paperwork. Please have your parents visit to submit your registration paperwork. If they do not know their username, password, or PIN, please have them call (818) 242-7722
  3. Back to school night is September 8th. It will be on Zoom. Save the date!
  4. PAE forms are due Sept 9th.
  5. Orchestra forms are due back by FRIDAY!
  6. Tomorrow is early dismissal. Remember that on early dismissal days there is no lunch time, and we stay in school until 12:50. Bring a snack for recess so you don’t get hungry.

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